Victoria is so special being my oldest granddaughter. She is the daughter of Rana, my old child. She is a good looking kid who is smart as a tack (when she wants to be), and is growing up so fast. she's the one who climbs on roofs, up tall trees, is an expert on the pogo stick, and when she puts her mind to it, writes excellent stories. She's a swell kid.
Lane is my oldest grandson and is Victoria's brother. He is a special boy who has been challenged with his vision but has never used it, or lack of it, as an excuse. He likes to make friends and really likes the science projects. This summer he will spend some time with me and we will go fishing. He's a great kid.
Amber is Nik and Amy's oldest daughter. And I have noticed lately that she has gotten really tall. She is always excited to see her grandfather and I am excited to see her. Amber loves to shop, and play with her Webkins. and she also likes to shop and play computer games. I noticed that she now also likes to spend a lot of time on the phone with her friends. Did I mention she likes to shop?
Julia, is the middle child belonging to Nik and Amy. She's a little sweetheart and gives the sweetest and longest hugs. I hope she never outgrows that, because grandpas need hugs. She is an excellent ready and is very good at art. She is also terrific at sales. She sells lots of lemonade and Girl Scout cookies. Her smile is very winsome.
Cade is the youngest child belonging to Nik and Amy. I have never seen such a happy=go-lucky child. He seems well adjusted at everything. He went from cars to legos. He rides his bike, skateboard, and scooter. He's a pretty good at math. I think the girls will be fighting over him.
Archie is the only child belonging to Ron and Sonia. He's a cute kid with very blonde hair and a winsome smile. He loves Batman and all those guys, loves to play with his Wi, and sword fights with Grandpa when he visits. He's also quite a talker on the phone.
All of these kids add an important dimension to my life and I think the world of each one. Each grandkid his uniquely different and has great potential. I am very blessed.