I find it quite disingenuous for them to be carrying their iphones and to be taking transportation systems to the site of their protests, then protest against the very corporations that made it possible for them to be there. I also find it equally disingenuous for them to demand equality in the area of economics while I am working my tail off and most of them sit on their tail and expect benefits. Something just doesn't seem fair about that.
Now I can understand the frustrations of many of those who want jobs and have no jobs. But if that is the case, they should be protesting at the White House where they have the policy of making jobs go away, rather than at Wall Street that represents the many thousands of corporations that provide jobs.
In my opinion these protesters do represent 99%. They represent 99% of the druggies, 99% of the socialists, 99% of the lazy, and 99% of those who have no conscience. I say that because it either takes a person with no conscience to expect someone else to support him, or it takes a real jerk.
So, if everyone was equal economically, would that mean we would all have jobs that pay the same regardless of our work? Probably not, it would mean that everyone except the protesters would have jobs that pay the same. The protesters would still not be working. They would be protesting something else to apply leverage for their free ticket to life.
That's who these people are. They want a free meal ticket at someone else's expense. They don't have it in themselves to be responsible for themselves. They think that who they are is somebody else's fault. And of course, that somebody else is either a Republican or a CEO or some other Capitalist.
Why don't we just all be equal? That way we can all equally share nothing, because nothing is what we will all have.