Candidates running for president of the United States need to really think this through before they become candidates. I mean, there are some really smart people like Herman Cane, who may have done some really stupid things. Does this mean that he would not make a good president? Probably. And I say that because in the first place he is probably not electable based upon the skeletons he may or may not have. And secondly, because he would eventually lose the respect of Americans if he were president.
I understand that one one is perfect. We have all done things that we later regret. So it depends on the seriousness of these skeletons whether someone should become a candidate for president.
This doesn't mean that that a man or woman cant change their mind. Their rivals like to call this flip-flopping. All of us have changed our mind about something or other. It's a good thing we do or we may continue down a wrong path. All presidential candidates can be accused of a flop-flop or two. What they thought was good at one time they now think is wrong. So be it. I appreciate the fact they can admit to the error and move on. That's part of building integrity. But that is far different than a skeleton (some hidden sin).
Obama has no skeletons that we know of. He has been fully vetted and we know what kind of crap comes out of this administration. Newt Gingrich has no skeletons because everything is out in the open. We just have to determine whether he is now genuine. He does have a few flip-flops. Mitt Romney has no skeletons that we know of, but does have a few flip-flops. Michelle Backman has no skeletons that we know of or flip-flops. Donald Trump may have skeletons as he has not been vetted and I know of no flip-flops. Ron Paul..... well, he's Ron Paul but will never be president. Richard Perry is an also ran so it doesn't make any difference. Herman Cane is out.
I see the top Republican contenders as Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Michelle Backman, and Donald Trump. Ya, Ya, I know, Donald Trump is not a candidate! Don't kid yourself. He will run as an independent, which, in case you haven't noticed is the largest voting block in the country right now.
Enjoy your morning coffee!
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