Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Please define to me what a real hero is. Perhaps my definition is antiquated or just wrong. But it seems to me that we often label someone as a hero when in reality they have done nothing heroic. And perhaps the true heroes never get recognized. To me a hero is someone who gives of himself selflessly, at risk to himself, to help someone else. The war heroes, fire fighters, the person who at his own peril reaches out to help someone else.

In sports, great players are often labeled as a heroes. I beg to differ. I think there are some really great athletes, but that does not really qualify them as heroes. As far as I know most athletes are in it for themselves and their huge salaries. They want more pay or they will go somewhere else. Hardly a hero.

Philanthropists are often viewed as heroes. Here again, there is nothing heroic. They are giving out of their abundance. Yes, their gifts do help others and I appreciate what they do. But are they really doing it at risk or peril to themselves. I think not.

Recently I heard the word "heroes" attached to the 33 miners trapped in Chile. I can appreciate what they went through and am glad that I was not one of them trapped below the earth for 69 days. I might have gone crazy. But are they heroes. Maybe, or maybe not. Perhaps they were victims, and the hero was on the topside making the effort to get them out. If there is a hero in all this perhaps it is the guy who ran the drill with precision and determination. He broke through weeks ahead of schedule. When his job was done, he left and sought no glory, but was simply thrilled that the miners were now freed, and he was humble about the part he played.
The part he played was the biggest part. I know that if I was one of those miners, he would be my hero.

But even that is borderline for being a hero. It wasn't like he was dodging bullets when he didn't have to.

Who are my heroes? The apostle Paul, who preached the gospel to his own peril that others might benefit. Peter, who was hanged on a cross up-side-down because he did not feel worthy to die the same way Jesus did. Jesus, who died in my place for my sins. The widow who sacrificially gave the two mights keeps reminding me that I am really giving out of my abundance. The men and women in uniform who have put their lives in peril for my freedom.... and some of them have died. And my dear wife who has given more than anyone will ever know. These are my heroes. Worthy heroes. Heroes forever.

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