Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rain Dance

I know the sure fire way to make it rain.... when you don't want it to. We went through a very dry spell this winter. They got lots of snow in the mountains but very little here, in Denver. Of course, winter is the time we do little work outdoors, so it would be nice to get the snow then. But, no sir! No snow. Then March and April came and there was still very little moisture. The wild fires got going in the mountains and prairies and there was no rain or snow to slow them down.

Now the weather is warming and we can begin to work outdoors once again. I have some decks to repair and stain. But, hm, now there is rain every day. not enough to do the grass any good, but enough to keep me from staining the decks. If I didn't know better I'd think Obama was in charge. Oh, wait! He can;t be in charge because if he were he'd be printing money and sending it to me. Or something like that.

Anyway, want it to rain? Take a week's vacation and paint your house. But make sure you have alternate plans.

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