Thursday, December 8, 2011

The One Percent

President Obama has for some reason set himself against the "one percent." That is the 1% of our population that makes up the wealthiest Americans. Of course, he and his cronies are excluded because for some reason they are the good guys while the rest of the wealthy are the bad guys. One thing is for sure, that when Obama is finished with his presidency, which I hope is soon, there will be fewer one percenters. America's wealth is diminishing.

But not only will there be fewer one percenters, there will also be fewer in the middle class, whom he claims to champion. I believe that my wife and I fit in the middle class somewhere. But during Obama's presidency our financial position has not improved. Quite the contrary. Obama wants to tell the middle class that is is for them, but the stark reality is that his policies hurt them. Obama calls this fairness.

What is fair? Well, to Obama it means that everyone should be financially equal. Therefore, tax the rich and give it to the poor. But, wait! the middle class is also getting taxed and their money is also being distributed to the poor. Who are the poor? Who's getting my money.... and yours?

What seems fair to me is that those who educate themselves, invest in their careers, take risks for potential earnings, and who work at it everyday should be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor and investments. What does not seem fair is for their financial gain to be confiscated through taxation and given to those who have made no effort to educate themselves, invest in their future, or work hard to advance themselves. Does it seem fair to you that a man should own a business, make all the investment, take all the risk only to have those who work for him make the same money, or as in some cases, make even more. Yes, "the laborer is worthy his hire." But should the guy who employs the laborer we worthy of something, too?

Yet, it is the employer that Obama stands against. Does he think I own my own press to print money? The government may be able to to that but I think there are laws against counterfeiting. It just so happens that large corporations, small companies, and the one percent whom Obama hates are the ones who can provide the jobs that other American's need. So, while he is endeavoring to tax the H out of them, how does he think they will be able to provide jobs? He needs a class in Economics 101.

Also, this president is involved with class warfare, he is racist, he is endeavoring to divide Americans, and he is failing to uphold the constitution. He acts like a guy with an IQ of about 70.

Electing someone else would make my Starbucks taste really good.

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