Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ax Man

Last summer I built a deck for one of my customers. But before I built it I had to remove a 10' by 12' slab of concrete. So I hired a company to remove it. It had to be gone by noon because my deck builder was going to start building the deck at that time. The company sent one guy over and promised that a jackhammer would arrive soon. 9:00 AM came and went, and no jackhammer arrived. Finally, at 9:30 we realized there would be no jackhammer. I was starting to get nervous.

I told the man they had sent over that I had my deck builder coming in a couple of hours and that his company was screwing me up. The went over to his truck and got a concrete ax and started whacking away. I thought, ya, sure, this is going to work. But I was surprised, I had never seen concrete get broken up so fast in my life. He kept swinging and the concrete kept breaking. Chips and chunks were flying everywhere. Pretty soon the guy was sweating, but he didn't let up. Within and hour the concrete was a pile of rubble.

The jackhammer guys finally showed up. But all they could do was clean up the mess. My deck builder started on time. I was happy, my deck builder was happy and the guy who broke up the concrete, well..... he was..... also happy. And tired.

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