Friday, March 19, 2010

In Praise of Starbucks

A blizzard was predicted for today, so all work stopped, except for those plowing snow and those working at Starbucks. I suppose all the weather people are standing on corners today to scoop up a handful of snow to show us on the news. Well, I guess all the stores and offices are open as well. But all construction work stopped, so that means more time to drink coffee. And Starbucks Coffee is as good as it gets. Great coffee, good atmosphere, great music, plug-ins for the computer, wifi, and lots of windows to see outside.

So far the storm is a fizzle, the roads are only wet. Snow on the grass and the tops of cars and houses. It looks a little too much like Wisconsin or Michigan to suit me. But here, the sun will always soon shine, and the little bit of snow will go away. It's just a good day to drink coffee and play scrabble. It beats sitting around fuming about what the politicians are doing today to ruin out country. Ya, let's not get on that. I'm expecting them any day now to declare my Starbucks a luxury so I can pay an extra tax. Like I said, let's not get on that.

Well, I'd better go do laundry and clean my office now. Na, I think I'll just keep drinking coffee and gabbing with the guys before they declare gabbing with the guys a luxury, too. You never know.

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